Monday, May 25, 2009

It just keeps going

Okay I'm really tired of going to the dentisit every fricken week!!!! Can we just get this over with already?????? I've honestly lost track of how much I have been in there and I can't even remember most Wednesdays now because of the medication I've been on. (My co-workers keep calling me House because of my pain medication.)

Oh well, right now most of my friends are out of town so I've just been working around the house and playing around with the new computer. I am starting to wonder though if my notebook will ever get fixed or if I should just go and get a new one.

Okay call me crazy, but I can't wait to go to the movies next week to see the new Night of the Museam movie. I love history and it makes it fun in a way. After that I'm planning on going to the science museam after that. There are a few new exhibts there that I'm looking forward to seeing. I'm starting to wonder if I should do a degree in history now because I'm always looking into something or another that happened in the past.

I know I posted in my last post about possibley going to Alaska, well I think it's been canned. I had to rush Tibs back to the vet this week to get some more shots and someone pushed a cart into my car and busted out a turn signal that will most likely cost a ton to get fixed.

Well that's my life right now in a nut shell, nothing exciting, just day to day life.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Ever just wanted to just hit your head on the wall? That is how everything has been over here between trying to plan a trip on my own to having mouth work done (I'm going to get my jaw fixed one day!). I'm trying to set up a trip to see a friend in Alaska and another friend of mine wants to come as well because she is both of our friends, well she dosen't know now if she is able to come or not because of a few things. I only have a short time left to book my flight at a cheeper cost and to get my passport but I'm still waiting on my one friend. (I understand what she is going threw though it's not really her falt things keep changeing back and forth I'm just getting really antcy about everything.) I'm hopeing that everything will work out soon as I know it will in the end.

Now I'm having my mouth worked on. Its been messed up for some time. I have a long way to go before it's to the point that I'm happy with it again but this is a start and the pain is less now. It was discoved that I had puss in one of my teeth that was causeing a lot of the inner bone infectiosn that I was having so I'm going threw a root canal to get that fixed. This part should be done in three weeks thank goodness, but I'm not sure what will be the next step in all this.

I guess I'll leave this blog in a happy note. Tibs, my two year old kitten, has reached his sixed month. Back in October he was only given three days to live with FIP but he is still here today.