Thursday, December 4, 2008

How to catch a cake on fire....

First off, for anyone having depression or anything like that get a massage!!!!! That is what I did today and for the first time in four years I was under no stress, nothing to worry me or anything. I feel like a new person. For a nice cheep on go to Massage Envy. It is only 39 dollars for your first one for an hour and it doesn't even feel like it's been an hour when you are done. Say the least I am in love! Starting next month I'll most likely go three times a month because they think that they can help where I injured my back at work. They have also done wonders for my wrists so yeah, I see a new membership coming in my future.

So yeah on to the name of this post. Today was my birthday and like all birthdays you have a cake with candles. Well my mother was holding a lighter and reached up to turn off the light on the computer desk. She knocks some Christmas stuff down and the lighter in her hand as well. The lighter shatters next to the cake that has candles burning. Well.... so say the least there was a very very large wosh of fire. The fire didn't touch the desk but it dose light up some bills laying under the computer screen and as fast as it went up it went out. There is currently bills in the BBQ pit just encase they decide that they are still on fire.

Overall it was a nice birthday. I got that massage from my parents, and 2 DS games and Case Closed from my boyfriend. I also found out that one of my friends have decided to move back in the area so I'll most likely be hearing from her and her sister next week.

Well a little bit more good news, I am looking into get help for my mental problems. We are talking to some to find me to a physocligst and I'll be doing the massage therapy as well. Believe it or not that also helps with mental problems. So I think that I'm well on my way to finding the help I need.

1 comment:

Jess said...

(ugh, I'm on late tonight, so, yeah, I've technically missed it...)

So... You set stuff on fire, too?! IT'S A CURSE!
Glad it was okay, though.

Oh, hunny. I'm so happy... I'm glad you're getting help. I'm sure things will get better.

I'll see you soon-ish!